Sunday School
The Village Congregational Church’s Sunday School program is looking forward to another successful calendar year teaching your children within our Christian Education program. Classes will resume on September 19th.
Classes are held Sunday mornings at 10:00AM.
Sunday School class is open to children ages toddler through grade 8.
Teen Discussion Group also meets each Sunday and is open to grades 9-12.
Contact Traci Bombard, CE Director for questions on classroom placement of your youth at the link below. or at christianed@vccucc.org
Each child attending Sunday School Classes must be registered. A registration form will be sent to you upon request to participate in the program.
The VCC Christian Education program welcomes volunteers, old and new. Please consider volunteering your time to the Sunday School program in whatever capacity you are able. There is a volunteer form for your convenience that may be returned with your registration(s), and also at any other time to the VCC office.
Please feel free to share our Sunday School information with neighbors and friends. We welcome all to join us!
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the VCC Sunday School program, please feel free to contact us at christianed@vccucc.org