Statement of Faith
This church recognizes the Bible as the sufficient rule of faith and practice, and holds that living in accordance with the teaching of Jesus Christ is the true test of fellowship. Each member shall have unquestioned right to follow the word of God according to the dictates of that person's own conscience, under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. The following statement of faith, therefore, is not a test but an expression of the spirit in which this church interprets the Word of God.

Worship Services
Come as you are - All are welcome!

Sunday Worship Service 10:15 am
All are welcome to attend services. We are an Open & Affirming (ONA) community church and are members of the United Church of Christ and the Northbridge Association of Churches.
Join us for worship service every Sunday at 10:15 am
Communion Service is typically held on the third Sunday of every month unless otherwise noted.
Experience Taize - Taizé Prayer Services offered every second Saturday of the month at 7:00 pm
A service of healing, meditation, song and candlelight.
The small village of Taizé (tay-zay) France is home to the
ecumenical French monastic community of Taizé, formed in
1940 as WWII began. They were moved to develop services of prayer and reconciliation for all Christians. These are meditative services of readings and reflection, songs and silence. Their aim is always the same - to quiet the soul and to listen.
“Singing is one of the most essential elements of worship. Short songs, repeated again and again, give it a meditative character."